Embodied search

These series of 6 workshops will focus on the four basic emotional movements.

Giving: moving oneself toward the other.
Getting: moving other toward oneself.
Removing: moving other away from oneself.
Escaping: moving oneself away from other.

These basics movements are strictly connected to the bodily felt sensation. Through dance improvisation and exploration questions and emotions about oneself in relationship to oneself and others will possibly arise.

How this exploration can connect us to a better way of creatively express while dancing?
How can dance serve us to a better expression of our feelings in daily life?
These questions will be at the core of the movement exploration.

Workshop duration: 2 hours per session
Number of sessions: 6 plus informal sharing the 16th June. Participants presence is not
compulsory for all 6 sessions but very much suggested.
Price: Cloud students €10, other participants € 20 per session.
6 session discount: Cloud students € 55, € 115.

Open to all movement lovers and dancers.
Dates: 20th January, 25th February, 25th March, 22nd April, 19th May, 16th June (session/sharing)

Claudia Scaringella MA student of Dance Movement therapy,
First class BA Choreography and Dance.