The residency at Danslab/CLOUD is focused this time on deepening the emerging solo work and on meeting up with two artists Roberta has been working since 2014 – Eli Dijkers/photography (www.elidijkers.nl) and Amund Roe/music composition – and spending studio time to begin making a solid base for the piece POINT OF ASSEMBLAGE which will have its premiere in May 2020 in Slovakia. Project POINT OF ASSEMBLAGE involves also other artists: for light design Pavla Beranová (www.pavlaberanova.com), for doublebass music Romana Uhlíková. The piece POINT OF ASSEMBLAGE has its common ground in the art of instant composition, while the imagery is getting step by step clearly articulated through the works of the involved artists. An important aspect of this work is the co-habitation of the media of sound/music, movement/dance and light design/scenography, so that a desired quality of “being” is reached in the natural creation process.    

The work on Roberta´s solo INFINITE LABIRYNTH is focused on exploring the levels of underneath (the ground), on (the ground) and above (beyond). She is interested in physically touching upon the ´two inner voices´, through the actual dancing she is getting familiar with them, understands their nature and lets the emerging piece be informed by that. The front and the back of the body has been anatomically essential for this theme. 

The work on both projects is supported by Slovak Arts Council.  

Roberta Legros Štěpánková

performer, choreographer, body oriented psychotherapist

In her performative, pedagogic and therapeutic work, moving body is an essential source of information and meaning. Attention to it provides richness to our being at any moment, it gives volume to our imagination. When teaching, she aims at sensitizing both the perceptive and expressive pathways in making dance. The deep trust in the emergent movement has a crucial role within both the artistic and introspective work she proposes.

Roberta has studied, lived and created in Spain and The Netherlands. Now she is based in Brno, Czech Republic. She works as a performer, dance teacher and a body oriented psychotherapist. Her dance training is based in improvisation technique and Skinner Releasing technique. She believes in the full potential of our selves we can reach by involving the body awareness in our work, creation and life. Within her creation, Roberta makes solo pieces, initiates international interdisciplinary arts collaborations. Amongst the last collaborations, there has been FROM BEHIND HORIZONS, INDIGO with Gianna Gruenig (2019), RIEKA POD RIEKOU with Romana Uhlíková (2018), NA BREHU, JANUS with Ivan Palacký (2018), SNENIE KAMEŇA (2017), THE CROSSROADS with Amund Roe (2016).

In 2017, she co-founded ORBITA, the platform for the development, creation and research of dance and physical arts in Brno.