
Workshop Tessura

Welcome to Tessura ~ Welkom bij Tessura

 Image: Henry Vandyke Carter

ENGLISH ~ scroll down for DUTCH

Starting July 2025, the School for Body-Mind Centering® Somatic Movement Education Program will be offered in the Benelux, in Brussels.
In our introduction workshop we present basic principles and core material of Body-Mind Centering to explore our own physicality and those of others through movement improvisation, hands-on explorations, experiential anatomy, voice-work; through principles and material that constitute the core of the Somatic Movement Education Program.

The workshop is open to people with or without an interest to follow the training. Previous experience with BMC®, movement and/or dance is welcome, but not necessary. The workshop is open to all abilities. In case you think you need extra physical or other support, please let us know.
All classes will be taught in English. There will be translation of specific terms and additional support in Dutch and/or French.

➢ Movement sources: introduction workshop to the School of Body-Mind Centering® training program in Benelux, March 15,16 2025, CLOUD/danslab, Den Haag.
The process of our movement development underlies the forms of expression through the body systems.

In this workshop, we introduce the notion of development as a non-linear process, as interweaving ontogenetic and phylogenetic perspectives. In Body-Mind Centering, the study and exploration of Basic Neurocellular Movement Patterns, of Primitive Reflexes, Righting Reactions and Equilibrium Responses, of Embryological Development intertwine and allow us to learn our personal and collective ‘movement sources’.

The study of developmental movement forms the essence of the Somatic Movement Education program and in this two-day workshop we introduce basic principles of that study, as well as dedicate time to a demonstration of applications and further research and artistic paths this study introduces us to.
Teaching team: Eva Maes, Wilma Vesseur
Date: Saturday March 15 & Sunday March 16, 10h30-18h (1h lunch break)
Location: CLOUD/Danslab, De constant Rebecqueplein 20-B, 2518 RA Den Haag Fee: 150 euro (135 euro if registered 1 month before the workshop)
Registration and info:


Eva Maes 
(B), with MA in History, studied dance at Cunningham Dance Studio, at Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (MA DANCE, researcher at CORPoREAL-group), with Lisa Nelson and at the School for Body-Mind Centering® (certified Teacher BMC®). Other collaborations in dance include Chantal Yzermans/ Radical Low and Anouk Llaurens. She is Program Director of tessura. She teaches at Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, at Licensed Programs BMC® in Italy, France, Brazil. Fluctuating between educational, artistic and research environments, she continues to explore embodiment as core theme of dance and (still) image.
Wilma Vesseur (CH/NL) studied New Dance at the SNDO in Amsterdam and Comparative Religions at the VU in Amsterdam. She worked for a long time as a choreographer for circle dance practices. She directs 2-year Programs in Germany and Switzerland: Tanz der GegenwartPracticing Somatics and Beyond Somatic Performance and performs on stage and site specific. Wilma is Certified Body-Mind Centering® Teacher and IDME. She organized the BMCA Conferences in Switzerland and the Netherlands and works with babies and adults as an IDME and BMC Practitioner.


Vanaf juli 2025 zal het somatische bewegingseducatie- programma van de ‘School for Body-Mind Centering®’ georganiseerd worden in de Benelux, in Brussel.
In onze reeks introductie-workshops presenteren we basisprincipes en -materiaal van Body-Mind Centering om onze eigen lichamelijkheid en die van anderen te verkennen via bewegingsimprovisaties, ́hands-on ́- exploraties, experiëntiele anatomie, stemwerk, etc; principes en materiaal die de kern vormen van het ‘Somatic Movement Education’ programma (Somatische bewegingseducatie).

De introductie-workshop staat open voor alle geïnteresseerden in Body-Mind Centering, onafhankelijk of later de volledige training zal gevolgd worden of niet.
Ervaring met BMC®, beweging en dans is welkom, maar niet noodzakelijk.
De workshop verwelkomt iedereen. Indien je denkt extra fysieke of andere ondersteuning nodig te hebben, laat het ons weten.

De workshop wordt gegeven in het Engels, met vertaling van specifieke termen en bijkomende ondersteuning naar Nederlands ( en indien nodig: Frans).

➢ Beweginsbronnen: introductie workshop voor het training programma van de School of Body-Mind Centering® in Benelux,15, 16 maart 2025, CLOUD/danslab, Den Haag,
Het proces van onze bewegingsontwikkeling ligt ten grondslag aan de vormen van expressie via de lichaamssystemen. In deze workshop introduceren we het begrip ontwikkeling als een niet-lineair proces, als verweven ontogenetische en fylogenetische perspectieven. In Body-Mind Centering® verweven de studie en verkenning van fundamentele neurocellulaire bewegingspatronen, van primitieve reflexen, rechtzettende reacties en evenwichtsreacties, van embryologische ontwikkeling zich en stellen ons in staat om onze persoonlijke en collectieve ‘bewegingsbronnen’ te leren kennen. De studie van bewegingsontwikkeling vormt de essentie van het Somatische bewegingseducatie programma en in deze tweedaagse workshop introduceren we basisprincipes van die studie. We besteden tijd aan de toepassingen, alsook aan het verder onderzoek en de artistieke paden waartoe deze studie kan leiden.

Lesgevers: Eva Maes, Wilma Vesseur
Datum: Zaterdag 15 maart & Zondag 16 maart, 10:30-18:00 (1 u lunchpauze)
Locatie: CLOUD/Danslab, De constant Rebecqueplein 20-B, 2518 RA Den Haag Prijs: 150 euro (135 euro indien 1 maand vooraf aangemeld)
Inschrijving & info:

Eva Maes 
(B), MA Geschiedenis, studeerde dans aan de Cunningham Dance Studio, het Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen (MA Dance), School for Body-Mind Centering® (afgestudeerd als gecertificeerd BMC® docent) en met Lisa Nelson . Ze is Program Director van tessura. Andere dans-samenwerkingen zijn onder meer Chantal Yzermans/ Radical Low en Anouk Llaurens. Ze geeft les aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen, bij Licensed Programs BMC® in Italië, Frankrijk, Brazilië. Ze fluctueert tussen educatieve, artistieke en onderzoeksomgevingen en blijft belichaming als kernthema van zowel dans en (stilstaand) beeld onderzoeken. Wilma Vesseur (CH/NL) studeerde Nieuwe Dans aan de SNDO in Amsterdam en Vergelijkende Religies aan de VU in Amsterdam. Ze werkte lange tijd als choreograaf voor cirkeldanspraktijken. Ze leidt tweejarige programma’s in Duitsland en Zwitserland: Tanz der GegenwartPracticing Somatics and Beyond Somatic Performance en treedt op, op het podium en op locatie. Wilma is gecertificeerd Body-Mind Centering® Teacher en IDME. Zij organiseerde de BMCA Conferenties in Zwitserland en Nederland en werkt met baby’s en volwassenen als IDME en BMC Practitioner.


Registration is open.
Info & registration


July 2-5 2025: Senses and perception July 7-17 2025: Skeletal System July 20-27: Basic Neurocellular Patterns July 30-August 6 2025: Organ System

October 25-31 2025: Primitive Reflexes, Righting Reactions, Equilibrium Responses

November 2-7 2025: Ontogenetic Development April 4-8 2026 Endocrine System

April 11-18 2026: Nervous System
July 1-8 2026: Ligamentous & Fascial System
July 10-16 2026: Fluid System
July 19-29 2026: Muscular System
July 31 2026: Somatic Movement Education Competency August 1-2 2026: Professional issues 1


Carla Bottiglieri (I), Christian Meier (G), Diego Pizarro (BR), Emanuela Passerini (I), Eva Maes (B), Ferenc Kálmán (H), Jens Johanssen (G), Kate Tarlow Morgan (USA), Otto Ramstad (NO), Tal Halevi (USA), Tamara Milla Vigo (F), Thomas Greil (I), Wilma Vesseur (CH/NL)

calendar Tessura Somatic Movement Education – programma 2025-2025, Brussel:



IBAN: BE79 5230 8156 3133
BANK: Triodos Bank
CONTRIBUTION: 135 euro before February 17, 150 euro after February 17 COMMUNICATION:
❖ your first and last name & date and name of workshop
❖ naam, voornaam & datum en naam van workshop

tessura vzw Edelgesteentenstraat 66, 2600 Berchem (B) Tel: ++32-486171831 mail: CBE number:1008856913 IBAN: BE79 5230 8156 3133
Body-Mind Centering® and BMC® are registered service marks of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and used with permission.

Warrior of the Dance and Singing – whole day workshop

Dance, Martial arts & Theater: Eva Bergerová
Voice & Kora, Live music: Dymphi Peeters

Come and dive with us in the ocean of conscious creation!

“It is our mission to empower you to express yourself from the inside out in front of loving eyes by means of dance, theater, martial arts and voice improvisation. We believe that spirituality and creativity are connected”

Goal of the workshop: The opening of the creative energy in everybody by a combination of dance, (martial arts), voice improvisation and theater.

Do you want to express yourself? Feel to dance, use your voice and create? Do you want to live a creative and free life? Then come and taste it.

You will experience a short performance and after that, you are going to dive into the experience of expressing the creativity in your own dance and voice.

You will get a new concept of Ritual theater (Creation and Expression, Dance and Singing) called “Step out of the Story”. We use conscious Theatrical, Dance, Singing and Martial Arts techniques and Improvisation.

Who is a Warrior? It’s the part inside us, which is always in the present moment. Everybody has a Warrior inside! Through the Warrior we are learning to be conscious, we express the energy of life, of freedom, courage and authenticity.

If you already gained experience in your life in dancing and singing and martial arts it is great, but no must. We believe everybody has an artist inside! This day is about expressing yourself from the inside out in front of loving eyes. We believe that is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and the other.

“When I was 37 I became a professional Dancer and Choreographer. Until this time, in the romantic city of Prague, I was leading a Drama theater company, where I used to direct performances, guide dramaturgy and keep the company going, growing and expanding. There was a time, we had two theater houses and around 50 people working there. Our performances were seen by around 200 000 people.
– I practice Chinese Martial arts for more than 20 years now and teach it for 5 years.
– I directed more than 20 performances. One of them went on for 12 years.
– I am a Dj and a Ceremony leader
– I love to perform Dance and I love to improvise on the stage and in life.”
More info:

The Dutch Dymphi Peeters is a meditative world music voice artist, who accompanies herself on the African kora.
Her roots lay in the East European Folk music and she gained experience in flamenco, voice expression, improvised music and also opera. Originally Dymphi studied Educational Science and Technology which she is combining with her ongoing spiritual researches and experiences. But life took her on the path of music, where her heart truly lies. In general Dymphi loves to develop and expand her horizons. Dymphi is the kora player of the Mehmet Polat Trio and she performs relaxation concerts with kora and vocals and gives workshops voice improvisation. With her new band Dragonfly she improvises live music for a community of dancers of Ecstatic Dance Utrecht.
More info:

DATE: 14-4-2018
TIME: 10:30-17:00h (doors open 10:00h)

link to FB event

SPACE: CLOUD danslab: De Constant Rebecqueplein 20b, 2518RA Den Haag
PRICE: 85,- incl. btw (has to be paid in advance to reserve your place)
LUNCH: A simple lunch with soup and salad is included in the price. If you like to take extra things you are welcome to do so yourself.
LANGUAGE: English but can be translated into Dutch

RESERVATIONS: Please send a mail to:, or if you have any questions: 0644676082