14 & 15 October 2023 with Bettina Neuhaus
This workshop investigates the phenomenon of ‘flow’ in body and mind and how to use its qualities for dancing and composing.
Water, with its often flowing and continuous motion, is one of the basic prerequisites for all life. It acts as an essential component within our body and all its processes. At the same time, the qualities of water stimulate our senses and imagination and can support us in any creative activity.
By simple movement actions such as rolling, gliding, swaying or lingering we stimulate the flow of energy in the body and find suppleness and readiness in our movement.
With a fluid attention we can experience more easily the radial, expanding quality of time.
Entering ‘radial time’ allows us to participate fully in the material we create and to be receptive to the actions of our fellow dancers at the same time. By being ‘in’ time we navigate through the constant flow of movement and inspiration as we ‘read’ and create the compositions that emerge in the moment.
When: Sat 14 October: 10.00-16.00, Su 15 October: 13.00-19.00
Where: CLOUD / Danslab, De Constant Rebecqueplein 20-B, 2518 RA Den Haag
Costs: € 130,-
Teaching language: English
Please sign up before 1 October 2023. Places are limited.
Info & registration: info@bettinaneuhaus.com
Once you’ve signed up you will receive more practical information and details for payment.
Website event: https://www.bettinaneuhaus.com/event/flow-in-time-2.html
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/320530907031347
About the facilitator:
Bettina Neuhaus is an Amsterdam-based dance artist, mentor and certified Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT) teacher at Introductory (2004) and Ongoing (2011) levels. She holds an MA Creative Practice Dance Professional Pathway from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London in partnership with Independent Dance and has been creating work for over 30 years, collaborating with dancers, musicians, visual artists and poets. In her teaching she shares her love for the dancing body, with its inherent imagination and intelligence, its poetry and infinite possibilities of transformation and expression through which we connect to the world. She teaches Instant Composition and SRT at major academies, art institutions and independent studios throughout Europe and South America. www.bettinaneuhaus.com I Instagram: bettinaneuhausdance
© Photo: Bettina Neuhaus
Workshop Dancing & Making
This 2-day workshop investigates our visual perception and its different facets as a fundamental element within dancing and composing.
Tuning into the different qualities of the eyes in relationship with the spine and our connection with the ground gives access to the richness of our sensual moving body. Experiencing how our eyes and their activity are deeply wired into the rest of the body allows us to integrate inner and outer awareness with more ease and fluidity whilst dancing.
Whilst the eyes register what they see, the rest of the body engages through the skin in a different way of ‘seeing’ and notices the many zones that are out of sight such as e.g. the ground, the space, a partner or a wall behind us.
Deeply immersed in the physicality of the ‘seeing body’ we can allow the mind to be playful and navigate our imagination and spontaneity as we dance and create. This leads into solos, duets and dance pieces in smaller or larger groups.
Sat 24 June: 10.00 – 16.00, Su 25 June: 13.00 – 19.00
CLOUD / Danslab, De Constant Rebecqueplein 20-B, 2518 RA Den Haag
Costs: € 130,-
Teaching language: English
Please sign up before 14 June 2023. Places are limited.
Info & registration: info@bettinaneuhaus.com
Once you’ve signed up you will receive more practical information and details for payment.
Website event: https://www.bettinaneuhaus.com/event/the-seeing-body.html
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/153458470790875?ref=newsfeed
About the facilitator:
Bettina Neuhaus is an Amsterdam-based dance artist, mentor and certified Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT) teacher at Introductory (2004) and Ongoing (2011) levels. She holds an MA Creative Practice Dance Professional Pathway from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London in partnership with Independent Dance and has been creating work for over 30 years, collaborating with dancers, musicians, visual artists and poets. In her teaching she shares her love for
the dancing body, with its inherent imagination and intelligence, its poetry and infinite possibilities of transformation and expression through which we connect to the world. She teaches Instant
Composition and SRT at major academies, art institutions and independent studios throughout Europe and South America.
www.bettinaneuhaus.com I Instagram: bettinaneuhausdance
© Photo: Tereza Jurakova, ‘The Page’ by Robie Legros and Bettina Neuhaus, 2022
This 1-day workshop explores our breath as an essential aspect of ourselves and its powerful role within dancing and making dances.
The day starts with a Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT) class in which poetic imagery, partner studies and individual exploration stimulate an awareness of the breath.
By allowing the breath to move on its own while we move or rest in stillness, its soft, fluid and spacious quality opens the whole body-mind.
A free breath nurtures our intuition and imagination with each inhalation. Breath becomes key for our dancing.
Informed by the SRT practice the second part of the day focusses on compositional work.
Experiencing the breath as an ongoing current of air that connects our inner world and our surroundings increases our sense of our three-dimensionality. At the same time, our relationship with
other dancers and the outer space resonates with greater clarity.
Letting simple sounds travel on the winds of breath enhances the richness of images and stories that
unfold in our dancing. This leads into solos, duets and dance pieces in smaller or larger groups.
Sat 20 May: 10.00 – 16.00
CLOUD / Danslab, De Constant Rebecqueplein 20-B, 2518 RA Den Haag
€ 70,-
Teaching language: English
Please sign up before 12 May 2023. Places are limited.
Info & registration:
Once you’ve signed up you will receive more practical information and details for payment.
Website event: https://www.bettinaneuhaus.com/event/winds-of-breath.html
FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1690037748113328/
About the facilitator:
Bettina Neuhaus is an Amsterdam-based dance artist, mentor and certified Skinner Releasing
Technique (SRT) teacher at Introductory (2004) and Ongoing (2011) levels. She holds an MA
Creative Practice Dance Professional Pathway from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance,
London in partnership with Independent Dance and has been creating work for over 30 years,
collaborating with dancers, musicians, visual artists and poets. In her teaching she shares her love for
the dancing body, with its inherent imagination and intelligence, its poetry and infinite possibilities of
transformation and expression through which we connect to the world. She teaches Instant
Composition and SRT at major academies, art institutions and independent studios throughout
Europe and South America.
Instagram: bettinaneuhausdance