23-26 March & 6-9 April 2017
For inquiries regarding schedule and attendance, please e-mail: tizoall@gmail.com
Crossing is a movement towards…
something new, different, unexpected, desired
The Crossing Lab 2016, hosted by the “The Performance Bar”, Rotterdam, brought fourteen people together from different backgrounds in the art scene or even detached from that, to experience a collective process based on movement and crossing into new paths of consciousness. Crossing was a Laboratory designed to dig into possibilities of movement and relationship found within the group and into it. The process developed a choreography made by each one and every one in relation. The residence will give us more time to research and bring out new parts of this process in terms of movement and creativity. The aim of this residence is the process itself and to establish into the group ways of crossing life-paths artistically and personally.
Furthermore, the residence is the time to explore, research ways of crossing. The focus is the body –and the aim is the transformation of life. Either in or out the transformation is continuously happening, the decision is how to print it out. Public presentations will be arranged and realized according to the decision of the group.
This year Cloud/Danslab hosts the following steps of this process. We open a call to those who want to experience it, take part of the residence and build up an artistic process in collaborative ways.
Crossing is addressed to those whose lives is willing to go into an artistic process and the main research of this process is body and movement. Every professional of art, student, doctor, housewife, salesperson… interested about contemporary art, body-consciousness and process-making are very welcome to participate in this artistic residence. As well as people interested in photography and video, that eventually want to cover and document the residence. Every single open heart, researchers in new perceptions, states of body-and-mind, are also welcome to join us –in general, all people with the commitment of doing a collective process engaging into transformation, either individual or global.
The residence is free of charge, only the costs of the studio and if necessary, props will be divided amongst the participants. More details about schedule and attendance-please contact me.
Tizo All – My role in it :
In this process I act as a facilitator – giving input and collecting impressions, giving body dynamic practices that allow each individual to get into the creative, imaginative body. Since 2003 I’ve been developing artworks transitioning between dance, theater and cinema. Working individually or in group-processes among the places that I’ve been living and working, such as Brazil, several countries in Europe and in Asia. My goals in life as well as in art are: transformation, relationship, openness to new perceptions of the human development, to be creative and blend art and life in the same level of consciousness. My passion is the body-mind transformation, the continuous process of discovering new possibilities, of relationships that connects art and movement.